Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mathematica proof 3of3 math test Evidence existence of God

Mathematica proof 3of3 math test Evidence existence of God

@israelnationalTV -China -Russia -India - US -all nations! As you have not understood? how can you still be perplexed? the survival of all mankind? ie, your own survival? depends on me alone! MY DEAR: A "GUY" called me, YESTERDAY! he said to me: "you see Beppe Grillo? he takes a lot of money every year simply to say nothing more, about banking seigniorage: incidentally: the choice between death or receive a lot of money, you who would done? ".. - ANSWER - lol. but it is, precisely: this: the problem of the Illuminati: "I am immortal!" and everyone knows: that: an immortal life: it can not be bought! fuck Rothschild: I have not entered into Freemasonry: how would you have wanted! - how could it enter into the kingdom of God, one man who, though knowing: of banking seigniorage: does not mention it: for to be accomplice of all: their crime immense? That is the one who makes himself an accomplice of the Masonic(322) system(666) of the synagogue: of Satan(god owl grove), th! e IMF ECB FED NWO(aliens abduction).. God does not know: what to do with: all your religious crap: WHY, GOD He is infinite justice! The happy: Chanukah or Hanukah: indicates what has been: extraordinary: the Jewish people and all the sufferings that: he had to endure, to defend the faith in the one: the true God: the Jews have always been: also the first victims of the Illuminati: 666 (Satanism), 322 (Freemasonry), ie, Kakam Rabbis: Illuminati IMF: and, they completely ignore: about the existence of a ...