Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Radiation Database User Guide - Worldwide HAARP, VLF, Radar, & Nuclear DB

The Radiation Database User Guide - Worldwide HAARP, VLF, Radar, & Nuclear DB

The Radiation Database v9001 Make sure you have the Network Link that is self updating. If you have just a folder, or it does not say version 9001, you are not updated. Download The Radiation Database for Google Earth HAARP - expanded location details SBX!! aka HAARP Sea Based X-Band Radar ECHELON NOSTRADAMUS overlay Russian VLF (Alpha, Beta, Chayka) network now complete GWEN - Ground Wave Emergency Network ECHELON - the whole thing! well almost... Internation Laser Ranging Service - LIDAR sites Particle Colliders e-VLBI (in progress) LOFAR (coming soon) AN/GSC-52 AN/GSC-39 AN/FSC-78 AN/FSC-79 (coming soon) AMISR - Advanced Modulated Incoherent Scatter Radar Space Communication Centers (in progress) Radio and Television Satellite Com Stations (in progress) EISCAT - European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association JORN - Jindalee Operational Radio Network SuperDARN - Super Dual Auroral Radar Network AWESOME - Standford VLF Group transmitters network CRIRP - China! Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation US Navy ELF Transmitters - Submarine Communications Alpha RSDN-20 - Russian Long Range Navigation CHAYKA - Russian Long Range Navigation LORAN-C - American Long Range Navigation NOSTRADAMUS - Long Range Radar Greenpie - Long Range Radar Swordfish - Long Range Radar ROTHR - Long Range Radar STARE - Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment ASR-11 - FAA Radar - NWS ARSR-1 - Long Range Radar - Joint Surveillance System ARSR-2 - Long Range Radar - Joint ...