Saturday, April 7, 2012

MLV. Reality Of Time, Harvest Moon on "Good Friday", Geotemporal Dislocation-Psychosis.

MLV. Reality Of Time, Harvest Moon on Good Friday, Geotemporal Dislocation-Psychosis.

Local Apparent Time, is the Reality.... Local Mean Time is a Clock, set by a Sundial on the Equinox, showing what the Time would be, if the Sun was as regular as a good Chronometer... ; rather than being 16 Min. fast in early Nov., Accurate on Dec 25, then 14:20 Slow by 14 Feb, Accurate again on April 15, and 3:45 Fast on May 15, then Accurate on June 15 , and 6 :15 Slow on July 31... Due to Orbital Mechanics, Axial Tilt, & The Obliquity of The Eccliptic. Steam Engines were invented when Clocks allowed LMT to overtake Sundials. Standard Time involves Synchronising all clocks in a Zone an hour accross, to allow the Trains to run on time.... 15 Minutes is 1.06% of a Day, & One Minute is .069%.... So, LMT is within 1% of Reality, which doesn't sound very Psychotic until you attempt to mesh a 99-tooth Gearwheel with a 100-tooth Cog..! Anyone living on the East or West Boundary of a Standard Timezone will be 15 Minutes to 45 Minutes (1% to 3%) Out of Synchrony with Planet Earth..! .; if they Live By The Clock... "Daylight Saving" involves shifting the Standard Zone's Synchronisation-Point an Hour (15 Degrees, 4%) to the East... So, with the Equation of Time, the Inhabitants of Plastic Zone-Timeland will range from 2% to 6% Geotemporally Dislocated... "Daylight Saving" was invented to make World War One more efficient... Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity was being dreamed up while WW-1 was happening. "Double Summer Time" makes the Geotemporal Dislocation Factor 5% to 9 ...