Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sketching Fearow and Mew

Sketching Fearow and Mew

If you did not read the description, the song is 'Absent Friends' by the Divine Comedy/Neil Hannon. Not that other 'Divine Comedy', youtube. NEIL HANNON, the awesome one. Fearow and Mew belong to Nintendo/Gamefreak. If you guys in Turpin haven't noticed by now, I am pretty much going off of the music I compiled from my 'Jason and the Argonauts' project in Latin 3. coughcoughbecauseI'mtoolazytoconvertmysongsoniTunesintompegfilescoughcough -also! hypercam 2 is FRUSTRATING. Every time I try to save it doesn't and every time I don't try it does. Anyways! I used hypercam 2 and Windows Movie Maker (I am becoming anal with the syncing thing) to compile the jpegs and avi file.