Saturday, March 31, 2012



This one goes out to JETSETTINGSPINQUEEN2  here yah go hun! The song that goes to this is Initiation by the Weeknd Anna's POV The laser beam lights blinded me as Jasmine led me through the party. Hand in hand we made our way to the dance floor. Turn up the music by Chris Brown came on and made my way to the center and began to dance. Then this girl came up to me and asked to battle. She couldn't stand a chance; I moved my feet from side to side my hips swaying to the beat and killed it of course. She began to move but stumbled and gave up. I laughed and yelled "Who want it!"Suddenly the cutest guy I had ever seen came up to me and began to dance. I fought back with twerking. Little did I know that he could do it too. I lost and walked away and began dancing again. I danced until I felt hands around my waste and breath on my neck. The song turned slow and I moved in sync with his body. I felt the rhythm of the dance pull into this weird trance. Something about him made me ! loose myself. I turned around and saw that it was the guy that I had battled earlier and lost to. He was cute and all but I was still kind of mad that I had lost. "You're really good you know." He looked into my eyes and said. "Yeah I know, it's just people don't expect guys to be able to twerk hah." He laughed and I said "Yeah your right." I looked into his eyes and stopped dancing. Something about him pulled me into a trance and I saw his soft lips. I don't know what came over me but I kissed him. I ...