Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Harry Styles Love Story: Pay Back Chapter 31 Marathon Part 9/10

A Harry Styles Love Story: Pay Back Chapter 31 Marathon Part 9/10

Bailey's POV: Everything's been going so wrong lately. My best friend's haven't noticed that I've been MIA for the past three day's their all so caught up in the boyfriends. I was asleep in my bed again today and there was a knock on my door. I'm not stinky because I've taken showers daily still, I might be heart broken but that's not excuse to have bad hygiene. I told the person they could come in, I as expecting it to be one of the girls but surprisingly enough it was Zayn. - What's going on Bay? - - Nothing's wrong Zayn, don't worry. I'm just having horrible cramps from my period. - I couldn't even finish my sentence before I broke down into tears. Zayn pulled me into his arms, not in a couple way but in a way to symbolize that he's here for me, a big brother way. I looked him in the eyes. - Now, tell me what's really wrong because Harry's sitting at home doing the exact same thing as you. - - Harry broke up with me because he thinks that Lucus is our son and that I'm onl! y dating him for his money and fame. - Zayn looked as disgusted as Harry was. I knew it, I knew that if I told anyone they would react the same way that Harry did. I gasped for air and Zayn stood up running his hand through his hair before exiting the room. Great now he won't talk to ever again. I lay back down after he shut the door, but then I heard it open again and heard the foot steps of multiple people. I turned and lay down on my back looking at the door, all of my friends stood there for a ...