Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brett Shoemaker Organo Gold Distributor Texas Top producer organogold

Brett Shoemaker Organo Gold Distributor Texas Top producer organogold Cell 832 726 0944 http http Brett was born and raised in a relatively small city in South Texas named Victoria. His father was a 2nd Generation Welding Industry Salesman, and mother was a stay at home mom until his parents divored when Brett wass 9 years old. He and his younger sister primarly lived with his mother who re-entered the workforce in Retail / Customer Service management to support a single parent home. Brett's mother worked part time jobs as well to provide all of the things that normal children most often take forgranted. However, Brett saw the sacrifice, work ethic, and "never die" attitude that enabled he and his sister to have all of these things. This not only gave him an extreme sense of gratitude and appreciation, but an understanding of PAYING THE PRICE!! In addition to his mother's inspiration, Brett's father was a very calcul! ated, disciplined man that taught Brett how to be responsible, accountable, and of high integrity and ettiquette that would allow him not only to grow into a sharp young man but later a great business man as well. Brett later moved with his father at the age of 16 right outside of Houston, TX. He then graduated high school a year early in 2000 and shortly after joined the United States Navy. Although Brett proudly enjoyed serving his country and had a once in a lifetime experiences, he realized that he ...